We made it!!! WOW has it been a fast year. I cannot believe my kiddos are already one. It has been such an amazing 12 months, I don't think I can sum it up into words. These 4 little babies have given us many sleepless nights, days of crying, feelings that we couldn't make it another day and even much frustration. Those feelings are NOTHING in comparison to the love and joy we feel everyday. We live and breathe everyday for our 5 children and I could not imagine a single day without them with us. God had a plan for us and I am thankful everyday for my beautiful family. Thank you Cooper, Sam, Ethan and Addie for an amazing first year, I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Now for the thank you's. THANK YOU to all of the friends and family that have helped me through the breakdowns and the days when I thought I could never make it through this. Thanks to my fellow quad mommas who lend support each and everyday, you know who you are. HUGE thanks to our Moms, Dads, Brothers and Sisters who have helped with the feedings and the babysitting. Thanks to my Mom who stays here all of the weeks Casey is out of town, I could NEVER survive without you. And Sonja, my sister in law/babysitter, your help is priceless!!! Last but not least, Thanks to my wonderful husband, Casey. Thank you for giving me our 5 beautiful children and for being such an AMAZING father. I know I don't say it enough, but you are AWESOME and I love you!!
As far as pictures go, my computer is still broken, so I couldn't post pictures from the year. All I have are the few I have put onto Casey's computer. I still plan on doing a birthday party post at some point so I didn't want to use those. Here is a picture of each child the day after their party and a group shot of them all wanting out of the play yard.
Now for the thank you's. THANK YOU to all of the friends and family that have helped me through the breakdowns and the days when I thought I could never make it through this. Thanks to my fellow quad mommas who lend support each and everyday, you know who you are. HUGE thanks to our Moms, Dads, Brothers and Sisters who have helped with the feedings and the babysitting. Thanks to my Mom who stays here all of the weeks Casey is out of town, I could NEVER survive without you. And Sonja, my sister in law/babysitter, your help is priceless!!! Last but not least, Thanks to my wonderful husband, Casey. Thank you for giving me our 5 beautiful children and for being such an AMAZING father. I know I don't say it enough, but you are AWESOME and I love you!!
As far as pictures go, my computer is still broken, so I couldn't post pictures from the year. All I have are the few I have put onto Casey's computer. I still plan on doing a birthday party post at some point so I didn't want to use those. Here is a picture of each child the day after their party and a group shot of them all wanting out of the play yard.
Thanks to all who have followed us this first year, check back soon for more updates. We love you!!!!!